The ability to snooze stories (and perhaps whole feeds) could come be very
Did you try settings -> Mute feeds ?
Thanks! I’m thinking of something more like a reminder function, i.e. making a story (or feed) pop up when I know it’s going to be useful.
in email i use snooze to set up reminders for emails that i’m just not really ready to deal with, like a bill thats due in 3 weeks. With RSS feeds, the “remind me later” function would probably do something like get an interesting article out of my way so i can quickly look at several cat pictures-- would using folders help with that? what kind of time period do you think you snooze for?
Based on what I’ve read above, Mute feeds and saving stories are the two ways to take stories out of rotation so you can come back to them later, whereas muting feeds is great for staying subscribed to a feed but out of your subscription list.
What I’m really suggesting is a feature that would bring a specific item back to my attention at a pre-determined time. It’s more of a reminder function. Admittedly, this can be accomplished via email or reminder apps; it just occurred to me that I might not be the only one who’d find it valuable (time-saving) to have something like that built in.
I would like, for example, for a feed to only be updated on a particular day. I have several webcomics that I find more enjoyable if I can read several at a time, so like maybe I could see I have 7 on each Saturday.