Shortcut for open and close a folder

I’m subscribing to a lot of feeds and tugging them away into folders is great.

A shortcut to open/close toggle a folder would be most welcome to check what’s inside of it.

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Well, how do you know which folder it’s expanding/collapsing?

I’m using the left and right arrow keys to jump between feeds. The thing is that they skip the folders, otherwise it would be no problem to aim at a folder and trigger such a shortcut.

If a folder is selected then using the arrow keys will navigate between folders.

Maybe it’s a good idea to merge those two so that one can use the arrow keys to browse trough the whole sidebar. I hate to draw comparisons to Google Reader, but the way it handled this was pretty smooth. I could navigate and expand/collaps via the keyboard.

NewsBlurs shortcuts support so far is pretty good. Implementing this would be a nice addition for the power users.

In addition: when trying to aim at the little plus sign with the mouse, I have the problem that it often vanishes and I have to position the mouse slightly left to it to finally click it – see: