Saved stories don't show if saved or not (and lack comments)

When in the saved stories list, there isn’t any indication of whether they are shared, the rainbow before each title on the stories list pane is nowhere as well as the “Shared by X people” bar, and the “Share this story” that appears next to every item isn’t highlighted, and if it’s clicked, it seems to prompt to share it (again?); I haven’t tried to see what happens if I try to share from the saved stories list.

Thank you very much, have a nice day.

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I want to take this opportunity to inform that I still have the problem I reported previously:…
Where shares from the bookmarklet disappear

And this is not letting me edit the title, I meant “Saved stories don’t show if SHARED or not”

Thanks! Just deployed this. Here’s the commit:…

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Thanks to you!

Silly curiosity, I wonder what would have been the result of trying to share something again this way.

Please don’t forget the other problem (in this report:… ), it’s still there.