Please, PLEASE can we have a "block user" option?

 I know I can mute conversations, but that doesn’t help when I’m having a conversation with multiple people, and one particular person is harassing me. PLEASE implement this.


Have you considered changing your blog privacy to protected? That only allows people you explicitly allow to follow you to reply to you as well.

That would help some, but not when I’m commenting on someone else’s post. Or when public comments show up on, say, a comic I subscribe to on Newsblur.

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+1 on this feature.

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Please implement this. We have trolls now.

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Yes, strong +1 on this.

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Yes, three years later, I’m still wishing for this option. It’s not an unreasonable request.

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I very much agree with others on the need to be able to block trolls, particularly when so much trolling is going on in social media in these highly politicized times. It’s one thing to have an intelligent discussion over disagreements, it’s another when the discussion is baseless noise or, as mentioned by others, harassment.

To me, this is becoming a must-have feature of social media to filter out substance from noise.


@samuelclay there’s like one user making me want this - he basically camps on popular shares trolling so it’s more than just making your personal blog private even if you want to (and I’m not in love with that since it’s basically ceding space to the trolls).


These types of trolls are back but now spreading covid misinformation. We need this feature more than ever.

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Yeah. It’s so irresponsible to not have a way to block them.

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