Pinboard support

Not sure many would be interested in this, but I’d be really excited if NewsBlur supported adding items directly to Pinboard.

In case anyone’s interested, I’d be happy to share my modified Pinboard bookmarklet that does this.

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Please do. I’d love to add Pinboard support.

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I would really like this too!

Love the bookmarklet, but I’d also like to add a +1 (um, non-Google version) for intergrating Pinboard as a share option in Newwsblur.

The bookmarklet, as it is written, doesn’t work in Firefox (at least in the current beta). Here’s the corrected version:

function () {   
var q, d, p;   
if (document.location.href == "") {   
q = $(".story.selected a").attr("href");   
p = $(".story.selected a .NB-storytitles-title").html();   
} else {   
q = location.href;p = document.title;   
if (document.getSelection) {   
d = document.getSelection();   
} else {   
d = "";   
open("" +   
encodeURIComponent(q) + "&description=" +   
encodeURIComponent(d) + "&title=" +   
encodeURIComponent(p), "Pinboard",   

OK, the modified Pinboard bookmarklet is now up at the link below.

Just drag the ‘popup with tags’ link on that page to your bookmarks bar. Note that this bookmarklet still works on any other page just like the regular bookmarklet, it just has a special case added in to handle sending the currently selected item when you use it on NewsBlur.

If anyone would like a different version of the bookmarklet, such as ‘same page’ or ‘popup’ without tags, let me know and I’ll add it.

Here’s the source code as well:

var q, d, p;
if (document.location.href == "") {
q = $(’.story.selected a’).attr(‘href’);
p = $(’.story.selected a .NB-storytitles-title’).html();
} else {
q = location.href;
p = document.title;

if (document.getSelection) {
d = document.getSelection();
} else {
d = ‘’;

open(‘…’ + encodeURIComponent(q) + ‘&description=’ + encodeURIComponent(d) + ‘&title=’ + encodeURIComponent§, ‘Pinboard’, ‘toolbar=no,width=700,height=600’);

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