Paid for Premium but my account is still free?

Hi! After picking up an e-Ink Android tablet, I’ve been trying out Newsblur because Inoreader’s Android app isn’t good. I subscribed to Newsblur and paid the $36/year sub with Stripe/ApplePay, the payment was confirmed, and I got a receipt email for it.

However, when I log into the Newsblur website and the Android app, it still shows me as free tier. Is there something I’m not doing?

Thanks in advance!

Thanks for subscribing! I’m super interested to know how NewsBlur works on the eink device! Is it the Boox tablet? I’m working on an eink reader right now ( and I’m planning on building in NewsBlur features soon, but I’d love to know how it looks on Android with eink.

As for your account, I manually forced a refresh of your account’s payments and the payment showed up, so you should now be set. As for why it happened, I checked and the Stripe logs look good and there were no errors, so I have no idea why it was delayed.

It is! I got a Boox Note Air 3 C (then removed the matte screen protector). It’s fantastic for reading comics, and NewsBlur works really well on it!

The only eInk feature that would be nice is if NewsBlur was able to assume pages and cube able to click the tablet sides to go back/forward for an article — but truth be told this Boox Super Refresh tech makes scrolling on an eInk device painless. Heck, it even shows videos at 3fps! So far I’m thrilled!

Thank you so much for fixing my account!

Edit: I added some pictures of NewsBlur on the Boox Note Air 3C.

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