Open All Articles In Tabs?

One idea I had that I’d like to see is a “open all items from this feed/folder in tabs”. I’ve got a few sites where I like to read pretty much everything from them, so it’d be cool to just hit a button and have 'em all pop up in tabs for my perusal.

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I actually built this a while ago, but it barely works because browsers don’t let you open more than 1 tab at a time, esp. on a click event. You’ll have to command+click every story, which should be easy to do from the story titles pane.

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Or repetition of ‘j’,‘o’ : go to the next article and open, next, open, next, open, &c.

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Ahh, fair enough then – I’ve been doing the command/click thing, and it works a-OK, so that works. I just was hoping you could contribute to my lazy nature…8) Thanks!

Also, the J, O idea is AWESOME.