Official iOS App for newsblur?

I was wondering what my options were with respect to using an offline RSS reader that’s compatible with newsblur and works on my MacBook Air (i use GrazeRSS on my android phone and really like it)

I Stumbled on this thread (…)

…and wondered when it mentioned “Official iOS App”, is this an official ‘NewsBlur’ app, or newsblur connectivity with some other application - perhaps an Apple provided one.

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It’s under Goodies and Mobile Apps in the settings menu. There is an actual NewsBlur iOS app.

I’m being a muppet - sorry - I actually meant osx app - will do some more research and might ask a seperate question on this if I get stuck.

Not an official app, but Reeder has announced that the upcoming version 2.5 for Mac (and iOS as well) will support NewsBlur (…).

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I use ReadKit. It’s perfect in every way, except it completely disregards the NewsBlur intelligence training.…

+1 for ReadKit. It’s a very good app.