New items not showing up for WC3 validated feed (Animation Magazine)

Hi folks,

I’ve got an RSS feed ( for Animation Magazine, Animation Magazine ) that successfully validates with the WC3 validator ( Feed Validator Results: ), but new entries are not showing up in the NewsBlur reader.

The latest entry that NewsBlur is displaying is dated Aug 26 2024, 5:15 pm. The RSS feed itself has many more-recent items, including one from a few hours ago (04 Sep 2024 18:03:44).

Site Settings for this feed show it getting “Not Modified (304)” responses from the server. Is it possible that NewsBlur is being served bad data?


Update: According to the site update logs, the issue seemed to have resolve itself as of 2024-09-08 21:14:55. As far as I can tell the RSS feed didn’t change, so I’m not sure what was originally wrong or how it got resolved.