My little wishlist, for when you have time, lol.

I understand you’re probably swamped at the moment (and btw, congratulations on surviving the influx of ex-google-readers!) Two things I would love to see:

1 save to instapaper. I do use your save feature, but I like instapaper’s ease of use.

  1. post to tumblr. Or at least, a little “source it” function that lets me paste the title (linsepace), author / blog name /date with a url so that I don’t have to cut and paste all that stuff in several steps.

Also, I haven’t figured out yet how to add new folders… but no doubt I’ll figure it out eventually. I hope.

Great product. I liked it so much I’m paying for it!


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Preferences -> Stories -> Sharing Services. From there, you can send articles to Instapaper and Tumblr.

To add a new folder, click the “+” in the lower left corner. An overlay will appear that will let you add a new folder.