I refreshed the screen and mroe than half of my newsfeeds have been removed. I took no action to cause this. Hopefully it is just a bug and will be fixed.
I think this is only on the website and not on my iphone app.
I refreshed the screen and mroe than half of my newsfeeds have been removed. I took no action to cause this. Hopefully it is just a bug and will be fixed.
I think this is only on the website and not on my iphone app.
I’m having the same issue with Chrome and IE, but the Android App works.
Are you in All/Unread/Focus mode (at bottom of the feed list)? Check that the feeds are still there in All mode. Also, if you’re a free account, go to Manage > Choose Your 64 Sites and ensure that your sites are all enabled.
I’m seeing the same thing. Initial site count on refresh is 2460, once refresh is finished the it drops to 2381
All Mode (does it in unread too)
Premium account
IE11/Win8.1 x64 Desktop (also does it in Chrome v32 Desktop)
And I swear I have well over 3K sites
(I tried attaching an image but couldn’t get past “uploading…”)
Greg, it’s because some of those sites are disambiguated incorrectly. Also, that is a whole lot of sites. But what’s likely happening is that you were unsubscribed from some of those disambiguated (merged) sites, but because you already subscribe to the merge destination, the original subscription stayed. It’s a bug and I hope to fix it, but to fix it on your end you’ll need to identify missing feeds and try subscribing to them. If that happens, show me the newsblur.com site url of the feed when you open it and I can fix the disambiguation problem. I’d love to fix them en masse, but it’s hard to identify the broken sites. Also, I fixed the underlying issue a long time ago, but the incorrect mergers still remain.
Got it. My “feeling” is that I’m seeing most of the usual/expected feeds so not a biggie, just wanted to report it to you, just in case. I’ll keep an eye on it.
Worse case I keep backups of recent OPML’s so I could always diff those…
And yeah, tell me about that feed count. It’s an addiction… (and part of my side-job for my blog, the Microsoft’s Channel 9 site and RadioTFS podcast)
Anyway, thanks for the quick response (and for NewsBlur
ok, I’m an idiot. It was on FOCUS. So sorry. My bad. I should know better. hahaha