Scroll indicator is sometimes wrong color on iOS

The scroll bar/indicator seems to have disappeared from The NewsBlur IOS app. Now I have no idea how long an article might be when I first start scrolling. Please could I have it back? Thanks!

I believe it’s there it’s just black. If you switch themes, say to the grey theme, do you see it come back?

Well I’m surprised because when I went to check I see the scroll indicator on the black theme just fine. Does it appear when you switch themes? Maybe it’s iPhone X specific?

I switched themes and now it appears… but only visible when it overlaps an image that is stretched to the edge of the page. Not very handy for text articles.

In other apps a dark theme results in a light grey scroll bar indicator.

Also: the settings pane doesn’t follow the dark theme settings and I just blinded myself when opening it.

And does the scroll indicator change colors when you switch themes (which you can now do from the story detail page’s settings menu)? I need to reproduce this bug and it looks fine to me, so I need to figure out why it’s doing this.

Here’s the ticket:

It’s always the same color, so visible against the other themes. I don’t have the app set to switch themes though, as I like the dark theme best. And that’s the one with the invisible scroll indicator.

Sorry you can’t reproduce it. I guess for now I’ll stick with one of the other themes.