Minor Saved Stories Mobile to Web Sync Bug


  1. Open Newsblur on the web. In my case, current Chrome on Linux

  2. Open Newsblur on a mobile device. In my case, current iOS

  3. On mobile, read a story

  4. Note that on the web, the story count almost immediately updates. Good.

  5. On mobile, save a story

  6. On the web, the saved story count does not update.

  7. Clicking on Saved Stories shows the correct articles, but the count is still incorrect
    This actually leads to a related problem.  At this same point:

  8. On the web, unsave the uncounted story in the Saved Stories list.

  9. The count is decremented, but the story does not disappear from the list. Now the count is off by 2.

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There’s a bug between 5->6, because it is supposed to update in real-time. I’ll take a look.

Looks like I never built it. Just deployed, you should notice that they are now synced in real-time. Thanks for letting me know!

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