Minor issues with videos in iOS app

I’m a big fan of Newsblur, especially the iOS app, but I’ve noticed a couple issues related to video

  1. On the iPad app, if there’s an embedded video in a story, the right 40% of it is frequently cut off. Playback works fine, but I can only see the left 60% of the viewer and that portion of the controls. Opening up the story in the browser view works fine, but it would be nice if the video were re-sized to fit in the default pane

  2. If you do play a video in the browser, and then close out of the browser without pausing the video, it continues to play in the background without pausing. To stop it, you have to go back to the browser view and pause it, or open up a new page in the browser. It would be nice if the video would just automatically stop when I close the browser window, just like when I close a youtube tab in chrome or firefox.

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  1. I so wish I could fix this. It’s not easy! If you have any ideas (and know Obj-C) I’m all ears.

  2. Yeah, this is tough. I made the decision to hold history in that view, because I often found myself closing that view accidentally and wanting to go back. Although, videos are full-screen, so shouldn’t it stop videos when you exit full screen?

Well, most of the time I just check the video quickly. Meh, tough choice. :slight_smile: But for the embed videos, most of the time the aspect ratio is screwed, even on the webapp. :x

  1. Can’t help you there, unfortunately

  2. The history being held is not the problem (in fact it’s a good thing, for the reasons you state). Is there some way to keep the history there while detecting that the window has been closed and pausing any live video/audio?