Today I had the poor inspiration and “marked all stories as read” while being in the “All site stories” feed and viewing only the green marked stories. To my surprise, I found out that ALL the stories have been marked as read, even the yellow ones (there goes 2500 yellow stories that I will never know about )! I think this is wrong, the functionality should have marked only the green stories as read, the ones that I was seeing (and I also remember this to be the behaviour sometimes in the past).
Nope, don’t think it was ever the behavior. I can see what you’re saying, but I think it’s confusing. Marking a feed as read marks every story as read. Otherwise you read them individually. I just think it will be overly complicated to separate out the yellows from the greens when marking read.
Ok. But I don’t think making this behaviour happen is that hard… I mean, you already have the list of the green/yellow stories when you switch between them.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t change the fact that this feature isn’t free. It would have to be a preference that would then have to be retrieved whenever the feed is marked as read. Then the stories have to be retrieved to check their intelligence level, which would put a big cost on marking a feed as read. And then there’s the forward cost, which means any changes I make I have to test for both conditions. It’s a lot of effort for very little gain. Sorry, but like most design decisions, the reason I’m not implementing this comes down to cost. If it was free, I’d love to do it.
Alright, I understand your reasoning. I hope you’ll keep it in mind when you will have some more time. Thanks.
Now that the new redesign has been released I want to re-bring this into attention.
I constantly find myself using Mark-all-as-read for folders when viewing only the Green stories and getting the other unread stories to be marked as read, thus missing stories. This is much exacerbated with the List-view mode with Green stories, when it’s very easy to skim on the titles and then press Shift-A to mark them as read, only to be surprised that the other unread have been marked as read.
Mark-all-as-read should be restricted only to the visible stories (ex: Green ones when in Green mode). Samuel, please reconsider implementing this. It would make Newsblur so much better.
BTW, a really cool feature would be an extra context menu item: “Mark unfocused as read”.