Log in App problem

I can not log in to the app…I had no problems log on to the website and log in to my account…
My screen name is kenparmer@aol.com
Or kenparmer
My password is on my account…I change a number of times before writing you…The changes work ok on the website but not the
App on my phone…
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ken Parmer

Hi Ken, it looks like I broke login for Android users earlier today and have just pushed out a fix. Let me know if that works.


I was able to log in again.

Thanks again

Ken Parmer

Mine is still broken, I just got the Samsung Z Fold 3, have not been able to log on.

Just noticed this was asked 11 months ago…

I believe you may have emailed me, in which case we have a fix going out for custom domains. If you’re not using a custom domain then I suggest reinstalling the app.