JSON Feed to RSS Feed

I’m not really a Twitter user, but some people only post information for updates to software and other things on Twitter, so being able to subscribe to their feeds was really helpful. Unfortunately, due to the switch from RSS to JSON by Twitter, I can no longer subscribe with Newsblur. There was temporarily a website that made it possible, but it no longer exists. I’ve seen ideas online that could allow it to work (JSON to RSS), but it’s over my head and requires your own website as far as I know. This could be a really helpful feature. Thanks for your consideration!


Oh yes, this would a great addition. I also only use Twitter for those update tweets.

JSON isn’t the problem, rate limits are. I just can’t get around Twitter’s barbaric rate limits.

As I hate Twitter, I try to avoid it. Unfortunately many companies, like Newsblur (…), use it as their only channel for publishing status messages. Please consider a status page or … a RSS feed for this …