intelligence trainer not working

When I try to open intelligence trainer through the menu that is accessible on the left side of the news headline, nothing happens. Previously it did. I haven’t noticed any other changes, only a new additional option in the menu.
I can access the trainer through home page where the main menu is available, however, I need it for a specific article and have no time to train all the sites it offers…
The trainer is extremely helpful in my everyday work, so please help!
And many thanks in advance!


I changed the trainer (a number of months ago) to only show you feeds that have not been trained. If you have any training data, it shows only when you open the feed’s trainer explicitly.

The intelligence trainer fails to open for individual stories for me as well. There is another report of this problem in…

I have the same problem.

I posted in the other forum, but this is now fixed. See… for more.