I lost the ability to see my feeds on the left (or anywhere) about a week ago. It still works on my other Windows 7 machine in Chrome. I tried turning off extensions and even uninstalled and re-installed Chrome but that hasn’t helped. Frustrated. Help!
Can you take a screenshot? Is there any way you can enable the devleoper console and paste in the Console Output? There may be an error in there that I would love to see.
Ok, if this is what you are looking for I copied the following from the console output under the Chrome developer tools window, and have attached a screen shot.
Failed to load resource http://d.lqw.me/xuiow/?o=2&g=D947F292…
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.
Failed to load resource http://d.lqw.me/xuiow/?o=2&g=D947F292…
InterYield Click Bind version 1.0-SNAPSHOT.5,354 20140103-1155 clickbinder.do?ver=1.0-SNAPSHOT.5%2C354:1
Yep, you have an extension doing something. Can you show/screenshot a list of your installed extensions? It’s probably Ad Blocker.
I have a number of extensions and they cover several screens, including the disabled ones. Instead of sending screen shots I disabled all of the extensions and rebooted, but was still unable to see my feeds.
The screenshot above shows a bunch of extensions running. I’ve seen this before with Adblock Plus.
Yes, but I later disabled ALL of my extensions in Chrome, quit, and rebooted the machine before trying to view Newsblur and still could not see my feeds in the folders.
Looks like you have a virus. See that URL from your earlier message? http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/i…#
I would go with this Google: https://www.google.com/search?client=…