How do I mark as unread?

I’m hoping Android gets mark as unread later this month.

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ETA on mark-unread in the Android client?

Another vote here for adding the mark unread functionality to android. Really missing that and the “save for later” from the Web

I’d also like to have a “mark as unread” feature in the Android app. The functionality is crucial to my work-flow and right now I can barely use the app and mostly revert to the web application.

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I can’t find the button for this. I’d expected it to be in Android’s “…” menu, but all I see there is Share, View original, Send to, Adjust text size, and Save.

We just added Save about a week ago. Mark-Unread is on the short list for coming weeks. I was hoping save would tide folks over in the mean time!

While mark-unread is still a week or two out, if you update to the latest version, you should be able to save stories. Hope it can serve as a decent workaround for a bit!

Another vote for mark as unread on android.
It would be nice to do it on the article list view. Possibly a swipe to the right to toggle read/unread.

I can’t find this “Reading from old to new” thread, was it removed?

I’m also very, very interested in having all lines marked as unread when importing a new feed.

This could also be done by doing a “bulk” mark as unread => possibility to select multiples stories and an action on them would be really handy in some cases.

Hello, people of this thread! Tonight I have decided to take some time to write about how badly I want unread-forever items. I will tell my story here and try to sum up everything, maybe it will be too long so I apologize in advance. Please tell me if my understanding is incorrect.

I’ve been a Newsblur user for maybe 2 years now, since I switched from Reader when they deleted sharing to promote G+. Google Reader was nearly perfect for me, but Newsblur was better on some points.

First, the intelligence trainer: it looks like something I could use, even if I haven’t bothered to try it yet.
Second, I like the fact that Newsblur is open source and not owned by a big company (who can take stupid commercial decisions like killing an excellent product). I am happy to pay to encourage such a model, and to reward Samuel who has done an amazing job creating this.

Newsblur also has some drawbacks compared to Reader. When I started using Newsblur, it didn’t have sharing at all, but now it does, and it is good, in some ways even better than Reader. I don’t find it perfect yet. With Reader I could also ‘create a note’ and share some custom text, and I can’t find this in Newsblur. But it is only a minor drawback.

By far the most important problem I have now is the unread-forever thing. As others already explained better than me in this thread, there are two main ways to use a RSS reader. The First Way is to not read everything and just find interesting reads in the ‘latest’ things. A two-week unread limit and intelligence trainer work well for this kind of ‘news’ feed. The Second Way is for feeds that one wants to read exhaustively (aka ‘the most interesting things of the internet have not necessarily happened less than two weeks ago’).

When one wants to read everything from a source, there has to be a persistent way to store if an item was read or not. With Reader I could use the ‘unread’ state for this. With Newsblur that is not possible because of the two weeks limit, which (if my understanding is correct) stems from technical issues. And for the use I have in mind, pushing the limit to one month would be totally useless.
So I thought, maybe there can be an other way, maybe I can use ‘Save this story’ as to store my unread state. Unfortunately there are two problems to this. First I don’t have a button for ‘mark all items from this feed as saved’ (specifying a time range would be even better). Second, I can’t easily navigate to any part of the feed, only the latest items. The lazy loading makes it long and unconvenient to find something or to reach the first item chronologically, it’s twitter-style O(n) unsearchability.

I haven’t looked at the source code, so I don’t know how those two points (keeping unread state and navigating old items) could be addressed. However, it is my dearest wish that one day I could read my feeds using the ‘Second Way’.
Dear Samuel, please find a way to make this happen. In case I didn’t mention it, I am ready to pay more specifically for this.

I hope you add the ability to mark items older than two weeks old as unread. One of my most used features of Reader is knowing I can ignore a feed for a month or two, or keep some meaningful items unread indefinitely.