Global Shared Stories is completely broken in "Split View"

I prefer “Split View” because I can jump in-and-out of a story without having to leave the reader, let alone creating a plethora of tabs. But, “Split View” in Global Shared Stories is completely broken… This is getting frustrating now. I’ve already opened up 2 tickets on the matter, and it has not yet been looked into.

I can recreate this 10 out of 10. When I scroll the bottom of the page, and the reader loads the next set of stories, the “Split View” pane does not show the new article when clicking “Next Story”

Chrome returns:

[“change_counts”, d, NaN, Object] common.js:1184
[“change_counts”, d, NaN, Object] common.js:1184
[“change_counts”, d, NaN, Object] common.js:1184
[“change_counts”, d, NaN, Object] common.js:1184

This is killing me right now!

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Sigh… I’ve lost hope in this. Good-bye, Global Shared Stories… and it’s coming close to more.