Feed doesn't work.

Hi! I have rss feed http://acomics.ru/-malef/rss
There is last item from this feed on newsblur site dating february 15, 4:19 pm. But if I open this feed directly in browser then i see that its ok and there are new items after 15 february. At the same time other feeds work normal on newsblur. help me please to fix this feed.

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The GUID, is not a Globally Unique Identifier, as they’re all the same.

what? i didn’t get how does it refer to my problem?

There is a GUID field in the RSS.

This stands for Globally Unique Identifier.

This refers to the unique “post” that has been updated. So if there is a new “post” on the site, it should have a new GUID in the RSS. If an existing “post” is updated, the coressponding RSS entry, should use the old GUID, with a new timestamp.

All the GUID fields are the same: http://acomics.ru/~my-zombie-days#

thank you! i’ll try to get help from tech support of this site then.