It appears that some entries in feeds are no longer displaying the full text, despite the fact that it exists in the RSS xml.
For an example, look at feed…. The entry titled “So There’s This” does not display any text in the newsblur window. The entry “The Numbers Behind the Publishing Industry’s Gender Problem” does. I looked at the raw RSS, and it has text for both. I first noticed this in the last few days.
I am having the same problem with… The tag has the full text for all stories, but is displayed only for some in newsblur. Looking at the RSS xml, it appears that the contents of the tag is being displayed instead, which is just a short sentence. The tag is not present in the entries that display properly in newsblur.
I am having the same problem with… The ‘description’ xml tag has the full text for all stories, but is displayed only for some in newsblur. Looking at the RSS xml, it appears that the contents of the tag is being displayed instead, which is just a short sentence. The ‘media:description’ xml tag is not present in the entries that display properly in newsblur.
I wrote this in the other thread, but this is now fixed. Here’s what I wrote:
Ok, I took a good look at this and came out with a great resolution. While I maintain that the feed is behaving incorrectly (using content and summary, where the summary is longer than the truncated content!), I went ahead and made a sanity check to grab the longer of the two. Feed works great now. Insta-fetch the Guardian feed to correct that one as well.