Displaying authors from Wordpress site


I’m having some problems with displaying the authors from a site in Wordpress.
I’m using custom guest authors plugin, and on my site, I’m displaying the list of those authors.

However, NewsBlur shows the user who posted the article, below the title and after the date. How can I override this?
That is, how does NewsBlur get the autors shown above the article?
If I can’t display the list of authors, is it possible not to display the author at all?

Thank you!

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The “author” comes from the feed’s XML. On the feed from my WordPress site, NewsBlur displays the value from the dc:creator tag as the author, but I’m not using any plugin. If you want to manipulate what is displayed, you would have to modify how the XML is generated.

Hi, thank you so much for your reply.

I have edited the dc:creator tag and it is still showing the person who edited the post. I’ve even tried hardcoding it:


And still - no change. :frowning: