Constant timeouts on specific feed

The following feed is broken most of the time:

Newsblur shows a 505 Timeout. “Fixing” the site seems to work, but a few hours later the feed is broken again.


The problem is still there, there are only a few followers of this feed but I hope it can be fixed.

Yeah, some sites don’t do well under NewsBlur’s 20 second timeout. Not much I can do, since if a site isn’t performant enough in 20 seconds (most sites are less than half a second), then it just won’t work on NewsBlur.

Insta-fetching forces a cache buster, by the way. But normal fetching uses whatever caching the site has.

Ok, at least I know it’s a problem on their side.

I also have the same problem with…


Clicking the button to parse this RSS/XML feed eventually returns ‘There was a problem fetching the feed from this URL’

It is listed as having 15 subscribers.

(Loading this feed directly in Safari is fast.)