Categorizing saved stories into sub folders

Would it be possible to put saved items into some sort of folder for easy access for saved stories?

For example, I use newsblur to “save” a lot of recipes from various feeds. If when I click “save this story” i had the option of recipe subfolder, it would make it a lot easier for me to just peruse those specific saved stories when I’m looking for dinner ideas.

It just seems to me that having the ability to sub-categorize saved stories would make it much easier for me to go back to them later.

Subfolder examples: recipe ideas, stupid videos, education or work research related issues.



This is what I’ve been calling tagging and it’s a big ticket feature coming soon. It’s one of my next 3 priorities.

Hey Samuel, glad to hear this feature is coming, but can you also make this automated so I can simply click on “Saved Stories” and then a list of my feeds that have saved stories in them? That would make drilling down my saved stories even easier.