Cannot unsave story on Android App

There is no option to unsave a story on the android app.

Stories under the “Saved Stories” part still show the “Save this story” button, I think this should be saved to “Unsave this story” when the story is a saved one.


I agree this is ridiculous, such simply features are missing from the android app it makes my blood boil. Usually I don’t care about as this but when the creator makes long post taunting the benefits of a premium service in comparison of a free one it annoys me.

Even though this service only cost $24/year I feel cheated.


I’d like to point out that about 2 weeks ago, you couldn’t save a story using the android app. They seem to be pretty responsive to user requests.

The top (right hand side) menu also shows “Save this story” rather than “Remove…”

This is a known issue and should be addressed soon. See this ticket:…

Great to know a solution is on the way. Thanks Samuel!

I believe this was fixed for a bit - but now it’s back to not allowing an unsave for me (on the 2 Andoird devices I have). I’d suggest it should be called “Unsave” or “Remove” as mentioned for iOS as well. Perhaps I’m mistaken and it was never fixed but I really think it was at some point.

Any update on this? This is the only thing I dislike about the product.

Hey guys, may I suggest the Blar app, just got it working - it allows unsaving stories. Appears to be fully featured, perhaps a little less pretty compared to the official Android app, and also loaded stories slower.

But I’ve had to make the switch to it as it allows unsaving stories and changing read status (dealbreakers for me), plus it seems to more reliably sync. I’m sure the Android app will catch up eventually, I had an iPhone before and the NewsBlur app on there is best in class, so once some of the iOS features get to the Android app it’ll be fantastic.