Cannot Add Any New YouTube Feeds

Thanks! It works today as expected.

newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:08] Search feeds: @ElEsteparioSiberiano, 0 results
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:08] Search feeds:, 0 results
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:08]  ---> [Chrome] [0.06s] [VlaKor^] Add Search: @ElEsteparioSiberiano (0 matches)
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:11]  ---> [------] [VlaKor^] Adding URL: (in Youtube) 
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:14]  ---> Found without_rss feed: /
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:14]  X ---> [231: [Untitled] - -1/-1/-1/0/0] Fetching feed (231), last update: 0:00:00.029805
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:14]  ---> Fetching YouTube user: ElEsteparioSiberiano
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:14]  ---> Fetching YouTube user: ElEsteparioSiberiano
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:15]    ---> [231: [Untitled] - -1/-1/-1/0/0] YouTube fetch failed:
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:15]    ---> [231: [Untitled] - -1/-1/-1/0/0] Skipping page fetch: (http_error on 0 stories) 
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:15]  X ---> [231: [Untitled] - -1/-1/-1/0/0] Processed in 0.58s (231) [http_error]
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:15]    ---> [231: [Untitled] - -1/-1/-1/0/0] Counting subscribers for feed:231 user:None
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:15]    ---> [231: [Untitled] - -1/-1/-1/0/0] Counting subscribers, storing in redis: t:1 a:1 p:1 ap:1 archive:1 pro:0
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:15]    ---> [231: [Untitled] - -1/-1/-1/0/0] Counting subscribers from redis: t:1 a:1 p:1 ap:1 archive:1 pro:0 
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:15]    ---> [231: [Untitled] - 1/1/1/1/0 No] Syncing 0 stories to redis
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:15]    ---> [231: [Untitled] - 1/1/1/1/0 No] Counting subscribers for feed:231 user:None
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:15]    ---> [231: [Untitled] - 1/1/1/1/0 No] Counting subscribers, storing in redis: t:1 a:1 p:1 ap:1 archive:1 pro:0
newsblur_web  | [Apr 02 17:20:15]    ---> [231: [Untitled] - 1/1/1/1/0 No] Counting subscribers from redis: t:1 a:1 p:1 ap:1 archive:1 pro:0 

I hate to bother you again but I have another YouTube feed I just tried to add and I’m getting the same untitled error result.

I tried to troubleshoot and figure out anything that I could do to get it to work but I’m at a loss. Any idea what’s going on? I never had any issues until there was a server change or whatever change was made recently. Thanks as always.

You’re the best!
Thanks for the wonderful app!

In order for YouTube to work on a local installation, you need to make changes to file under YOUTUBE_API_KEY