Backporting newsletters


There are some newsletters I’m subscribed to that I would like to backport. They do not have RSS feeds, I only have the mails in my inbox. How do I do this?

Simply forward them to your NewsBlur email account, which you can find under Manage > Newsletters.

If I forward one by one, which I can’t as there’s hundreds of them, they show up with me as the author. If I forward multiple at a time they become .eml attachments and the email shows up empty, again with me as the author.

ah, when talking about email there’s two different things called forward. if YOU do it to a single message, then it looks like a new message from you. if your email program/isp does it automatically based on a rule, it’s a different thing. it just means “this is not the actual final destination for emails that fit this rule. the actual destination is this address over here.”

you’ll have to find where your email program has its rules function, it’s different everywhere.

So those rules will forward new emails, not existing ones

That’s a very good point. Unfortunately we don’t support extracting the original publisher’s name on individually forwarded emails because we don’t have an automated way of figuring out who is the original sender. And because this is a rare request, I can’t devote limited resources to debugging the issue.

The code is open source if you want to dive into it (and docker makes it easy to setup), but that’s likely not going to help you.

If you can tell me the details of the email you forward, I can step into the logs and might have a chance to figure it out.

some email interfaces will let you run a newly-created rule against existing messages. the fastmail web interface does this, for example.