API Login working?

Yesterday I started to get “Please enter a username” back as an error when posting username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD to use /api/login per https://www.newsblur.com/api#/api/login. I’m using an actual account of course. Similar, if not the same, code was working a few days back. Anyone other programmers seeing this?

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I upgraded to the latest Django, which changed some things. However, I checked and it should be working fine. Are you making a POST request? It would tell you if you weren’t, but I’m not sure what’s going on then.

Thanks for the fast response Samuel. Yes, I am doing a POST request with httplib2 (python). The scrubbed data I am POSTING via httplib2 is:

urllib.urlencode({‘username’: ‘USERNAMEHERE’, ‘password’: ‘PASSWORDHERE’})

I’m away from my personal dev machine right now but I’ll take a look and triple check my script to verify and will get back with you.

Edit: Changed from code to pre tag

Tried it again this am and it’s still giving me the username result. Here is the sample code (just in case I’m misreading something):

 import httplib2 
 import json 
 import urllib 

 class NewsBlur(object): 

 def \_\_init\_\_(self, username, password, endpoint='[https://www.newsblur.com](https://www.newsblur.com)'): 
self.username = username 
self.baseurl = endpoint 
self.http = httplib2.Http() 
creds = urllib.urlencode( 
 {'username': self.username, 'password': password}) 
print creds # To verify what is being posted 
head, body = self.http.request(self.baseurl + '/api/login', 'POST', creds) 
print head, body # Results 


The body result I see is:

{"code": -1, "authenticated": false, "errors": {"username": ["Please enter a username."]}, "result": "ok"}   

others are impacted, like the Feed Me app on Windows Phone. I’m a user of the app, and I can’t login with it to my NewsBlur account.


What version of Django were you using before – and what is in use now? Maybe I can set up a local instance and test to see if the Django upgrade caused it.

when i login with my account succesfully, response does not return me a cookie.
so any next webrequest is anonymous. can you help me please?
my csharpcode is :

RestClient client = new RestClient(“http://www.newsblur.com”);
RestRequest login = new RestRequest("/api/login", Method.POST);
login.AddParameter(“username”, “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”);

IRestResponse response = client.Execute(login);
CookieContainer cookiecon = new CookieContainer();

if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
var cookie = response.Cookies.FirstOrDefault();
cookiecon.Add(new Cookie(cookie.Name, cookie.Value, cookie.Path, Cookie.Domain));

client.CookieContainer = cookiecon;

RestRequest feeds = new RestRequest("/reader/feeds", Method.GET);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(login);

The cookie’s name is newsblur_sessionid. What’s the response look like? It needs to say ‘authenticated’: true.


you wake me up and finally it was easy.

my call (added password):

RestClient client = new RestClient(“http://www.newsblur.com”);
RestRequest login = new RestRequest("/api/login", Method.POST);
login.AddParameter(“username”, “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”);
login.AddParameter(“password”, “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”);

IRestResponse response = client.Execute(login);

response :

{“code”: 1, “authenticated”: true, “errors”: null, “result”: “ok”}

thank you!