Android NewsBlur crashing

Interesting…I’ve been tapping around and not getting any crashes this morning. I did update to 13.2.4 yesterday before I saw your message @andrei, so perhaps the update fixed it? I’ll continue taking screen recordings for the next day or two and see how it goes…

ok, I was able to capture several crashes and a screen shot. How to get them to you?

Email them to and that’ll go to both @andrei and me.

I sent a link to a google share due to the large file sizes involved…

Hi here, I’m still experiencing sporadic crashes, using an android 9 Samsung S8 with v13.2.4.

The amount of crashes has definitely reduced after the update from 13.2.3 to the current version, but I still get them sometimes.

My steps to reproduce are:

  • Have the app in the unread view.
  • Have unread feeds in several folders (don’t know if its a deciding factor, but maybe at least 5 or 6 folders, with maybe 10-15 feeds in total).
  • Have swipe left-to-right to save a story, right-to-left to unsave set.
  • Go iteratively from top to bottom through all the feeds. Click on one, saving a story or more (not in all the feeds) by swiping, mark all stories in a feed as read (which brings me back to the “unread” view). It can also be that I save a story by mistake and immediately unsave it. This also doesn’t happen often and I couldn’t say that it matches with when the crashes happen.

Depending on the speed of this processing of the feeds, I get crashes or not.

I can imagine that this is not the most standard behaviour of how to handle stories, but up until 12.3.2. I can’t recall to have crashes, then it skyrocketed in 12.3.3. and reduced (but not disappeared) in the current version.


A fix has been made and an update will be pushed out shortly


Just installed 13.2.5, so will let you know how it goes… :crossed_fingers:

@suckelo / @animaux1 Have you been experiencing the same crash on 13.2.5?

It’s much improved for me. I open it on my phone maybe 8-10 times a day and I recall it crashing exactly twice in the last five days while reading stories (a live-able amount which I think could still be better), but it’s a huge improvement over when it was crashing as frequently as it was. Definitely headed in the right direction! Thanks!

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@andrei so far so good. I haven’t had a crash in the last days. Will continue trying to reproduce and will let you know if it happens again.
Thanks for the quick fix and communication

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I am still experiencing several crashes a day just navigating through feeds and opening stories in text mode.

I still see maybe one a week, but considering I open newsblur about 15-20 times a day it’s pretty good…

What I have been seeing, and maybe it’s really a crash, but, I’ve been thinking it’s just lockups. When opening a story (android, latest version of newsblur), I get the heading at the top of the app but then it just freezes. I have to close out and restart, sometimes I have to restart the app 2 or 3 times before it works correctly.

I see this about 5 times a day now (out of maybe 10 sessions?). The app freezes on story load and becomes unusable. I have to crash it as wait does nothing.

It doesn’t seem to be specific to any one feed as I’m seeing it on news sites with image/text and subreddit notifications alike. I’ve used newsblur and the android app for almost 10 years with no issues like this so it’s something recent.

Sounds about the same as my experience

It won’t even open on my phone this morning, even after a reboot of the phone…
Immediately crashes.
Other apps working fine.
Works fine on the laptop…
I sent in a screen capture.

@andrei is working on a fix, thanks for sending the recording.

Not a problem! I got mine working again by removing and reinstalling…

The reports point to a possible issue within the package which is a dependency for the WebView on the device and it is external to NewsBlur.

I’ll post another update later today after more investigation.


@animaux1 @CanadianAlcyone Does this happen on the very first story that you’re opening since app start or only subsequent ones or both?