Android: incorrect story authors listed

Using the Android app this morning, I noticed that in the list of all unread stories, some of the stories had the wrong author listed. A story from one feed would have a listed author from one of the other stories. E.G. an xkcd post’s author was listed as Josh Marshall, who actually authors posts on talkingpointsmemo, which I also subscribe to.


I’ve also noticed this on my Android app. I’ve attached a screenshot. Betz White is listed as the author of a Japan Times article, but in fact she is the author of another blog (a Blogger blog also called Betz White).

Have you had a chance to test if this is fixed in the latest 2.0.1 release of the app?

At least for me it does happen with the latest version of the app. I generally browse my feeds in the all stories -view, unread only and oldest first, and generally the wrong author names sort of bleed downwards - that is to say, at first I come across something actually from the author listed, then as I move onwards, that author’s name is associated with something they have not posted.

Awesome, thanks for the check-in. This is still on our radar, just trying to eliminate common root causes. :slight_smile:

I noticed the same thing as Emma. The top of the list looked like it had all the correct authors, but as I scrolled down, the wrong authors cropped up again.

I’m experiencing the same issue with the latest version of the app. Emma’s use-case scenario is how I use the app as well. I’m not sure if it makes a difference or not but I often mark stories as unread.

If needed I can provide additional screenshots.