Accidentally switching post styles is annoying, how can I fix it?

I like that there are multiple ways to view a post (Original, Feed, and Story) but I find it really frustrating when I accidentally 2-finger scroll on my tracepad to the side and it switches modes. Is there any way to disable 2-finger scrolling or to get rid of the “Original” style of view (which I never use)?

The reason this is a particularly annoying problem is that my preferred view style is “Feed” (is that the most common?), which is in the middle. Whenever I accidentally 2-finger scroll to the right or left, I can’t get it to just move one space over with scrolling. This means that in order to correct the mistake I have to go click the button. I don’t know what the best solution is, but maybe there is something I haven’t tried. Help?

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Hmm, ok, I’m not 100% following how to make this happen. Do you mean that the Feed view slides out of the viewport by a few pixels? Is it fully switching to Original view?