A 2015 post from Nuklear Power keeps showing up as unread

A long time ago, I subscribed to Nuklear Power, at http://www.nuklearpower.com/feed/
Although the site’s been quiet for a long time, I’d like to stay subscribed just in case something happens in the future.

However, starting today, an old post from 2015 (“Big Bad Con 2015”) showed up as unread, with a broken link. It wasn’t interesting, so I marked it as read and moved on, but an hour or two later when I checked NewsBlur again, the same post showed up as unread once more. I marked it as read and later it came back as unread again; this cycle has repeated maybe half a dozen times today.

NewsBlur’s internal URL for the feed is https://www.newsblur.com/site/589086/nuklear-power if that helps.

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There’s something funny going on with the feed, no doubt. First off, it doesn’t validate: https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nuklearpower.com%2Ffeed%2F. Second, because it has no content NewsBlur won’t merge the story, as they are published like they are individual stories, regardless of the title. I have seen other feeds over the years that publish similarly but each entry, even with the same title, is properly meant to be a separate story. So NewsBlur errs in that direction.

What you can do is use the trainer to thumbs down that specific title. Then you won’t see that story but will see the next story.

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