8-bit (Scandinavian) characters render incorrectly

All feeds (title, textual content) with Scandinavian characters (ä, Ä, ö, Ö, å, Å) render incorrectly in Newsblur WEB (they render correctly in NewsBlur Android app) on Chrome. Character mapping goes wrong and letters render as follows:

ä > å
ö > ú

I’m running Windows 10, Chrome latest release (63.0.3239.132, Official Build, 64-bit). Characters render correctly in FireFox (latest 57.x release).

Anything can be done (on my side, or server side)?


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Could not find any setting from Chrome to impact this charset (?) issue. Websites with scandinavian letters render correctly on my Chrome.

Please find attached image as an example…

Still not anything on this…? It’s driving me nuts :wink:

I can’t find anything from Chrome advanced settings (chrome://flags) that could cause such rendering issues for Scandinavian characters @ Newsblur. Ping @samuelclay could you have a look on this weird UI (text) issue, appreciated.

Check the attached image for this weirdness.


Can’t reproduce on Chrome 67.0.3396.99, Windows 10, not even after trying the following:

  • setting Finnish as my preferred language in Chrome
  • setting Finnish as the display language in Chrome
  • setting Finnish as my preferred language in Windows
  • installing and enabling the Finnish language pack for Windows

Some questions for you:

  • Do you have Finnish set as the display language in Chrome and/or Windows?
  • What does Chrome think the page’s encoding is? Try opening the browser console (Ctrl-Shift-J) and typing document.charset.
  • If, for some reason, Chrome thinks the page encoding is anything but UTF-8, try installing this extension and forcing the encoding to UTF-8.
  • Open https://www.newsblur.com/reader/feeds?v=2 and search (Ctrl-F) for Hellan ja. Does the full feed name look like "Hellan ja viinilasin v\u00e4liss\u00e4"?
  • Do you have Finnish set as the display language in Chrome and/or Windows?

Nope (never have, never will :wink: )

  • What does Chrome think the page’s encoding is? Try opening the browser console (Ctrl-Shift-J) and typing document.charset.


  • If, for some reason, Chrome thinks the page encoding is anything but UTF-8, try installing this extension and forcing the encoding to UTF-8.

It is/was UTF-8, did not install the extension (yet)

Yes (direct copy paste as “Hellan ja viinilasin v\u00e4liss\u00e4”).


Is this the site in question? http://www.newsblur.com/site/6236169/hellan-ja-viinilasin-vliss

This is how it looks to me.

Yes, that’s the one… Looking just fine in your end, but not in my end ;( This is really weird, because it’s ok on my mobile phone (OP5), on my Android tablet, but NOT on my Windows laptop. I’m just fully glue-less what the issue on my W10 with Chome Canary could be. Thx for digging into this.


Final question(s):

  1. What font (in NB) is the Feed titles(s) and
  2. Can that be changed in NB (seems no)?


It certainly can! You can use the Custom CSS (Manage > Account > Custom CSS) to change the font.

.NB-feed-story-title, .NB-story-title {
  font-family: "San Francisco", Helvetica, sans-serif;

Hi @samuelclay,

Yes - that did the trick (with sans-serif first! Now just one related follow-up question:

What is the style called for “Site stories” (aka the list of my RSS-feeds)?


Double check in the web inspector but I believe ‘.NB-feed-title’ should do the trick.

Tried that ‘.NB-feed-title’, inspector seems to point to ‘.NB-feed_title’ BUT neither work. Hmmm…

Sorry, I was on mobile before. It’s .NB-feedlist .feed_title

Thx @samuelclay for your great support, all fixed now and working! Case closed.
